Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter
From Fundamental Aspects to Electronic Functionality
Project Area
Effective Dirac Fermions

Project A01

D. Bougeard
M. Kronseder
D. Schuh

Band structure engineering, interfaces and hybrid structures

Project A01 will explore the experimental design of materials providing access to helical topologically protected surface states and to spin-orbitronic effects in semiconductors, as well as their peculiar signatures in electronic magnetotransport. The project is structured into two parts: Part A concentrates on the three-dimensional topological insulator family (Bi1-xSbx)2(Te1-ySey)3, part B on two-dimensional electron systems in high spin-orbit ... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A03

F. Evers
J. Wilhelm
S. Refaely-Abramson

Simulation of ultrafast processes and high harmonic generation in topological materials

This project focuses on simulating and understanding topological materials and their excitations under ultrafast laser driving; it is motivated by experimental activities towards “lightwave spintronics”in Dirac systems. The main diagnostic observable will be the optical and magnetic responses in the high harmonic regime. Simulation tools will be developed based on the semiconductor Bloch equations with interactions included on mean-field leve... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A04

S. Ganichev

Terahertz spectroscopy of Dirac fermion systems

The aim of the project is to explore optoelectronic phenomena induced by THz radiation in graphene and topological insulators. We plan to study THz-induced resistance magneto-oscillations, X2-peak and Hall field-induced resistance oscillations, all recently observed by our group. Furthermore, we plan to observe time-reversal-symmetry preserving Hall effects in Dirac Fermion systems including the dynamic Hall effect and nonlinear Hall effect contr... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A05

R. Huber
M. Huber

Subcycle dynamics of Dirac fermions in topological insulators

Phase-locked infrared light pulses will be used to trace and control topologically protected Dirac fermions faster than a cycle of light. Following the concept of lightwave electronics, we will ballistically accelerate Dirac fermions with the carrier wave of light and study new quantum aspects of quasi-relativistic dynamics, such as Berry curvature effects, Zitterbewegung, and lightwave spintronics. Going beyond single-particle dynamics, we will ... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A07

K. Richter
J.D. Urbina

Quantum transport and time-dependent dynamics of Dirac fermions

The project is centred around various inter-related quantum phenomena of Dirac fermions on TI surfaces: Three complementary research streams encompass (i) ultrafast dynamics subject to laser pulses, together with phenomena such as high-harmonic generation and dynamical anomalous Hall effects; (ii) various magneto-transport phenomena in TI-based nanowires and tubes, in particular peculiar geometrical quantum effects arising at curved surfaces; (i... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A08

D. Weiss
C. Back
M. Kronseder

Topological tubes and wires and their hybrids

Within this project we plan to realize and investigate a platform to explore topological surface states in Bi-based wires and epitaxially grown tube structures. Wires and tubes are characterized by a unique electronic energy spectrum. This spectrum combined with a superconductor gives rise to tunable topological superconductivity. In the corners of the hexagonal tubes hinge states might form. Within this project we plan to investigate topological... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A09

J. Eroms
J. Fabian

Advanced Spin Transport and Protected Edge States in Graphene-Based Proximity Structures

In a combined experimental and theoretical effort we will study effects caused by proximity-induced spin orbit coupling in heterostructure of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides or 3D topological insulators. In particular, we will elucidate the role of the twist angle, using weak antilocalization and spin transport to probe spin-orbit interaction, and realize a gate-controllable spin valve based on bilayer graphene. Finally, we will aim... | show all >> show all members>>


Project A10

J. Wunderlich
C. Back

Local topological transport and dynamics of antiferromagnets

The spin-orbit torque in antiferromagnetic (AF) systems with broken inversion symmetry allows manipulation of the antiferromagnetic order by electrical currents. We propose to investigate antiferromagnets in which additionally topologically protected phases exist, which are connected to the AF order, and which lead to various emergent phenomena that can be used to detect the AF states. In particular, we focus on optical and on thermal embodiments... | show all >> show all members>>



SFB 1277
Doris Meier
Universität Regensburg



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