Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter
From Fundamental Aspects to Electronic Functionality
Central projects

Project MGK

C. Strunk
F. Evers

Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)

The IRTG is designed to guarantee the optimal preparation and support of PhD-candidates within the planned CRC. Besides a concise study program focused on the needs of students working in the scientific fields of the CRC, the IRTG comprises measures to foster the mobility of the students and the recruitment of international PhD candidates.... | show all >> show all members>>


Project Z

K. Richter

Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre

Project Z, supported by the CRC office, will manage the central affairs of the CRC and is in charge of the administration of the central resources and funds accessible to all projects. Further tasks include the coordination of the seminar and guest programs, the organization of the planned international conference and annual internal workshops.... | show all >> show all members>>



SFB 1277
Doris Meier
Universität Regensburg



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