Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter
From Fundamental Aspects to Electronic Functionality


When and where
Thu - 17.10.2024
14:00 h
Room: PHY 5.0.21
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Kuemmeth
Niels-Bohr-Institut Kopenhagen / Uni Regensburg
Combining high-frequency techniques with cryofree dilution fridges
Tue - 22.10.2024
14:15 h
Room: H34
Dr. Paulo Eduardo de Faria Junior
University of Regensburg
Coupled spin, orbital, and exciton physics in two-dimensional van der Waals systems
Thu - 24.10.2024
12:30 h
Room: PHY 5.1.34B
Ravinder Kumar
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai
Electron transfer and transport through molecules
Tue - 05.11.2024
14:15 h
Room: H34
Dr. Ahmed Mansour
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
FAIR Research Data Management with FAIRmat and NOMAD
Thu - 07.11.2024
12:15 h
Room: PHY 5.1.34B
Debayan Mondal
S.N Bose National Centre For Basic Scienes, Kolkata, Indien
Exploring Molecular Electronics: Conductivity modulation and Next Generation Single molecular Device Design
Wed - 20.11.2024
10:15 h
Room: PHY 4.1.13
Lukas Cvitkovich
Universität Regensburg
Electrons spin qubits in silicon from first principles
Tue - 03.12.2024
14:15 h
Room: H34
Prof. Dr. Andrey Chaves
Federal University of Ceará, Brasil
Moiré electrons, holes, and excitons in two-dimensional materials
Tue - 10.12.2024
10:15 h
Room: RUN.0.035
Prof. Dr. Kayla X. Nguyen
University of Oregon, USA
New Direct Electron Imaging Techniques for Quantum Materials
Tue - 17.12.2024
11:00 h
Room: Seminarraum Lehrstuhl Prof. Grifoni Raum 3.1.09
Dr. Alexander Lopez
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas Departamento de Física de Materiales
Tight binding Hamiltonians subject to amplitude and frequency modulated driving protocols
Thu - 09.01.2025
13:15 h
Room: PHY 5.0.21
Dr. Magdalena Marganska-Lyzniak
Universität Regensburg
Friedel oscillations and chiral superconductivity in monolayer NbSe2
Thu - 09.01.2025
14:00 h
Room: RUN auditorium 1st. floor
Professor Dr. Giulio Cerullo
Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133, Milano, Italy
2D semiconductors: a platform for ultrafast photonics
Tue - 21.01.2025
16:00 h
Room: PHY 9.0.21
Dr. Jun Hayakawa
Senior Manager Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan
Heat Island Japan - How the high-tech company Hitachi is tackling future issues related to heating and cooling
Thu - 23.01.2025
15:00 h
Room: RUN auditorium 1st. floor
doc. RNDr. Tomás Novotný
Charles University Prague
Optically induced excitonic shifts in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
Tue - 28.01.2025
14:15 h
Room: H34
Prof. Dr. Janine Splettstösser
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
Heat engines at the nanoscale: nonthermal resources and fluctuations
Thu - 30.01.2025
15:15 h
Room: PHY 5.0.21
Didrik Palmqvist
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
Thermodynamic constraints on bosonic and fermionic noise
Tue - 04.02.2025
14:15 h
Room: H34
Prof. Dr. Tomas Jungwirth
Czech Academy of Sciences
From superfluid 3He to altermagnets
Tue - 18.03.2025
14:15 h
Room: PHY 4.1.13
Prof. Miguel Ugeda
Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian
Coexistence of spatially decoupled unconventional superconducting condensates in 4H b -TaSSe
Tue - 18.03.2025
15:30 h
Room: PHY 4.1.13
Prof. Dario Bercioux
Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian
Exploring Quantum Phenomena with Electron and Photon Simulators


SFB 1277
Doris Meier
Universität Regensburg



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